Saturday, July 13, 2013

you + kids

About a year ago I went to a one night seminar with an instructor from "Love and Logic" (usually you can take a few weeks course).  I was given several hand-outs that I need to revisit more often.  Amongst all the handouts I found a gem of a handout-appropriately printed in {GOLD} with a huge list of ideas of things you can do WITH your children (and I wish I could give this list credit, but there is nothing on this piece of paper that says who came up with it-I think it may have been the instructors personal list).

{I love this list so much I wanted to create my own}

I have seen many blog posts/pinterest pins lately that are titled to the effect of "ways to keep your toddler/child busy".  I completely agree that sometimes it is needed to send your child off to go do something to keep them "busy", and in a way-out of your hair.  

BUT... it has sort of been rubbing me in the wrong way.  What if you actually tried 

{interacting, experimenting, creating, playing, laughing, talking, teaching, listening, giggling, smiling} 

with your child.

Not only will your child be in {heaven}, but chances are you are going to be a much happier person too!  There is no greater joy than seeing your child so excited, or seeing the wheels in their little brains turn as they learn.  As you spend time with your children bringing fun and learning into their lives, you are going to feel a lot more satisfied in the day.


1. Paint with Q-tips.
2. Finger paint with pudding.
3. Add dry tempera paint to shaving cream and paint away. 
4. Make art using stickers (kids especially love foam stickers).
5. Color with sidewalk chalk.
6. Color on a mirror with dry-erase markers .
7. Color or focus on one alphabet letter each day.
8. Tie-dye t-shirts (See HERE for a non-mess approach to tie-dye).
9. Do Crayon rubbings of various objects. 
10. Paint on the sidewalk with an ice cube. 
11. Paint in ziplock bags-seen HERE.
12. Paint a canvas -as seen HERE.


13. Make play-dough and use cookie cutters to learn shapes. 
14. Make paper airplanes and have a flying contest
15. Paint rocks.
16. Make bird feeders. 
17. Decorate pillow cases using permanent markers or paints. 
18. Make a paper plate hat-seen HERE.

Fun with Food

19. Make and decorate cookies (deliver them to a neighbor).
20. Each lunch or dinner on your living room floor with a picnic blanket.
21. Make a cereal necklace (I like using Fruit Loops-you can learn colors while doing it).
22. Dirt Cups (chocolate pudding, oreo crumbs, and gummy worms).
23. Use bread dough and make animals/shapes and then cook them!
24. Make marshmallow men/molecules using different sized marshmallows and toothpicks.
25. Air-pop popcorn-let the kids watch as it pops!
26. Create your own parfait with Granola, fruit and yogurt.

Stuck Indoors

27. Blow up your air-matress and watch a movie.
28. Roast marshmallows over your stove and make S'mores.
29. Read a book.
30. Put on music and dance.
31. Write letters (draw pictures) to family or friends.
32. Put masking tape down on the carpet to make a road for matchbox cars and build a city with blocks.
33. Build a fort using blankets or sheets.
34. Hide something in the house and create a treasure map for you kids to go find it-take turns hiding and creating a map.
35. Play card games like Old Maid or Go Fish!
36. Flashlight fun-turn out the lights and play "I Spy"
37. Play the Alphabet Game.
38. Do some science experiments-Ivory Soap, baking soda and vinegar with colors
39. Have a bath with glow sticks (I know, you probably don't want to bathe WITH your child, but play with the glow sticks with them).  You can find good glow sticks at the dollar store!
40. Set up an obstacle course.
41. Play in the sink with water and dish soap bubbles (they could really do this FOREVER!)

Outdoor Activities

42. Go for a little hike.
43. Water balloons.
44. Go to the zoo.
45. Visit a museum.
46. Bike ride.
47. Fly a kite.
48. Exercise all together.
49. Blow bubbles.
50. Pick up leaves/sticks/flowers/grass etc and bring them home and make a collage.
51. Go camping.
52. Water plants or flowers.
53. Go to the park.
54. When it rains-puddle jump.
55. Visit the library.
56. Berry picking.

What are some things you enjoy with your kiddos that is not listed here?

1 comment:

  1. We had way too much fun with pudding painting & I had to scrub my shutters for hours after. So we will do that one outside next time :). My kiddos love to wash cars (matchbox or a big plastic car stroller) outside. They did such a good job I almost had them wash my car too ;). Some outdoor chores are fun for kids too. It takes longer, but they enjoy "helping."
